Finished reading: Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler 📚
I really enjoyed this book. It feels remarkably relevant (even down to the years this story is set in!) to our current political and climate situation. Despite how tough and awful the world described here is, there’s a message of hope.
I’m excited to immediately move on to Parable of the Talents.
Everyday 058
📺 Finished the season of Shōgun last night and wow did I enjoy it! I know I’m late to this show, but got reminded of it due to the Golden Globes.
Now feeling a little sad there’s no more to watch until whenever season 2 comes out.
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Everyday 055
Today it snowed in Atlanta!
Ok, so snow is not at all an everyday occurrence here. But other than being a rare event, these fit the series theme!
Snow day in Atlanta! ❄️❄️❄️
I Live My Life a Quarter Century at a Time – Three Letter Acronym
Towards the end of the presentation, he showed off the Dock. You all know the Dock, it’s been at the bottom of your Mac screen for what feels like forever (if you keep it in the correct location, anyway). I should know – I had spent the previous 18 months or so as the main engineer working away on it. At that very moment, I was watching from a cubicle in Apple Cork, in Ireland. For the second time in my short Apple career, I said a quiet prayer to the gods of demos, hoping that things didn’t break. For context, I was in my twenties at this point and scared witless.
Here’s the development story of the first version of the Dock!
Everyday 054
Everyday 053
Speaking of HTML, if you are interested in starting your own blog, or just looking for something new in this space, you should check out Micro.one! It’s Micro.blog’s (where this site is hosted) little sibling and at $1/month it’s a great deal.
HTML Is Actually a Programming Language. Fight Me | WIRED
Great essay about HTML. Brought a big smile to my face when I followed the link to the Embroidery Trouble Shooting Guide.
Via kottke.org.
Everyday 052
Everyday 051
Celebrating a moment of nerdy victory: took apart my coffee grinder to deep clean it and accidentally broke the wiring to the button that activates it. 😱
But got out the soldering iron, resoldered the wire, and it works again! 😎
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Everyday 049
Finished reading: Orbital by Samantha Harvey 📚
Good book! Was pleasantly surprised by the writing style.
Everyday 048
Moonrise on Florida’s panhandle.