Buona sera da Milano! I spent the day wondering around Milan, here’s what I got into.

A cobblestone pedestrian street lined with shops and buildings. Overhead, wires cross the partly cloudy sky. Some people are walking and shopping, with greenery and plants adorning the sides of the path.

The first stop for me today was Castello Sforzesco, a castle from the Renaissance era.

Image of Sforza Castle (Castello Sforzesco) in Milan, Italy, on a clear day. The castle’s central tower and side towers are prominent. There are people walking and gathering near the fountain in the foreground.

It was fun to see the huge courtyards with their impressive architecture.

This image shows an inner courtyard of a historic building with arched windows and columns. The courtyard features a cobblestone floor, and a few people are walking or standing around the area. The walls are adorned with arched windows.

Two people walk towards a historic castle with large towers and an expansive courtyard, under a clear blue sky. The castle features brick architecture and arched windows. Visitors can be seen scattered around the courtyard and entrance.

Don’t forget to look up every now and then!

An ornate ceiling design featuring a central sunburst motif with red and yellow rays, surrounded by smaller sunburst patterns. The background is filled with tiny swirling lines, creating a sense of dynamic movement.

Here they have a room that displays the Rondanini Pietà which is Michelangelo’s last sculpture.

A marble sculpture of two intertwined figures stands in the center of a room with vaulted ceilings adorned with frescoes. The sculpture is displayed on a circular podium with a light wooden floor and has soft natural lighting from two large windows.

My next stop is the Duomo di Milano. I’m here mostly for the architecture and it’s a shame that the tickets to go up on the terraces and roof are all sold out! I did not anticipate that tickets to go up stairs or an elevator would sell out. Wait hours in line, sure. But, I would guess that due to the age of the building they might limit how many people are allowed up.

Still, the building is impressive enough from the plaza.

A large crowd of people stands in front of the Milan Cathedral (Duomo di Milano) on a sunny day. The Gothic architectural details of the cathedral are prominent against a clear blue sky. Tourists are visible taking photos and appreciating the historic structure.

And on the inside.

Interior of a grand Gothic cathedral with towering columns, arched ceilings, ornate architectural details, stained glass windows, and people seated in pews and walking around.

This is some of the most detailed stained glass I’ve ever seen. This one almost looked 3d to me.

A tall, narrow stained glass window set in a gothic-style arched frame within a stone cathedral wall. The window features intricate depictions of religious scenes and figures in vivid colors. The surrounding architecture includes ornate stone columns and a vaulted ceiling.

Check out this statue of Saint Bartholomew with no skin!

A marble statue of Saint Bartholomew stands in front of a stone wall inside a historical building. The statue depicts an anatomically detailed, muscular figure holding a book and a knife, with a draped cloth over his shoulder.

A square right around the corner from the Duomo.

A sunlit medieval square with historic buildings, including an arched red-brick structure and other intricate facades. People walk and sit at outdoor cafes while market stalls line a section of the square. The sky is clear and blue.

The sightseeing today was classic Milan, but I think the best part of my day might have been dinner. I was lucky and found a place that seemed less touristy. At least, they did not have an English menu and my waiter did not speak English. Still, it was some of the friendliest service that I’ve had since entering Italy. And the food was exactly what I was looking for, really good without being overly fancy or pretentious. I think I did alright ordering in a mix of bad Italian, English, and pointing. One thing I’m learning, ChatGPT is pretty helpful with other languages (at least Italian and French). It provides a little more context and guidance than something like Google translate. It certainly helped me navigate this menu for some of the terms I did not recognize.

Here’s one of the dishes I had, it’s tagliatelle with pulipo (octopus) and Gorgonzola. When I ordered, I was wondering if the Gorgonzola would be overpowering, but it wasn’t! The dish was great and very well balanced.

A white plate filled with creamy pasta dish, tagliatelle, garnished with octopus. The plate is on a white tablecloth with a fork, wine glass, and glass of water visible around it.

This brings me to the end of my night. Tomorrow, I take the high speed Trenitalia line to Rome!
