Hello from Zermatt, Switzerland! Today was all about the mountains.

I spent the morning with breakfast at the hotel (another enjoyable buffet!) and some wandering around town. I was waiting for the sky to clear before I headed up into the mountains.

When I saw this, the Matterhorn, emerge from the clouds, I knew it was time. Snow-covered mountain peak against a blue sky, with evergreen trees in the foreground.

I headed to the back of town where the gondola base station is location. Our destination: the Matterhorn Glacier Paradise. I hopped on the first gondola and began the ascent. Pretty quickly we were approaching the tree line.

Mountainous landscape with a winding road, snow patches, rocky terrain, and a blue sky with clouds.

After a total of 3 separate gondolas, I was at the top! I immediately went to the viewing platform and it was incredible! The sky was clear, any clouds still hanging about, we were above them!

Snow-covered mountain peaks with clouds nestled in the valleys, under a clear blue sky.

And the Matterhorn looks stunning! From up here you see a different face of the mountain.

A snow-covered mountain peak with clear blue skies in the background. Ski tracks and ski lifts are visible on the lower slopes.

I think this shot is of the highest peak visible from this location. I believe it’s over 4,500m (~14,700ft). The Matterhorn clocks in around 4,400m.

Aerial view of snow-capped mountains piercing through a blanket of clouds under a clear blue sky.

Yours truly posing with the Matterhorn in the background. I didn’t build the snowman.

A man with a beard wearing a black jacket and a yellow hat stands smiling in front of a snow-covered mountain range under a clear blue sky.

From this platform we are at 3883m (12,739ft) of elevation, which is the highest mountain platform in Europe.

A smartwatch on a wrist displaying the incline, elevation, and GPS coordinates against a snowy mountain backdrop. It shows an elevation of ~12,742 ft.

Here’s a few more photos from the viewing platform. It’s really stunning to be so high up and seeing these incredible mountains. One bit of info that I thought was fun is this location is very close to the Italian border. There’s a gondola that can take you down on the Italian side. I believe you can also walk or ski over the border. I was so close that my phone must have connected to an Italian cell tower because I got a “Welcome to Italy” text from Verizon to tell me about my travel pass. Also, the cell service was, somehow, incredible up here.

A snow-covered mountain peak under a clear blue sky with surrounding alpine scenery.

A panoramic view of a snow-covered mountain landscape with ski slopes and a clear blue sky.

Next, I went inside the building (which is really more like tunnels carved into the mountain) to check out the glacier palace, complete with ice sculptures.

A walkway through an ice tunnel with blue flooring, handrails on the sides, and walls and ceiling of curved, smooth ice.

Ice sculptures of wolves displayed in a cave-like setting with icy textures and a blue-green ambient light.

Ice sculptures of two bison inside a frosty cave, enclosed by a small ice barrier.

There’s even a restaurant up here! So I grabbed a bite. I had a dish that was bread covered in mushrooms in sauce topped with cheese. The whole plate was stuck under the broiler to melt the cheese. Then it was topped with a fried egg. Not bad!

Before I made my way down, I went back to the viewing platform one more time. I snapped this photo of the tower next to the platform. This must be why the cell signal is so great.

A snow-covered communication tower with numerous stickers on it, set against a clear blue sky with the sun peeking out, surrounded by a snowy mountainous landscape.

Snow-covered mountain peak against a clear blue sky, with ski tracks, electricity pylons, and a partial view of a lift station at the base.

On the way down, I exited at the last gondola station so I could take the walking path back to town. I had maybe 1,000ft of descent left, and this path looked nice on the way up. I’m very glad I did, because I think this was one of the most beautiful walks in my life.

Alpine village with traditional wooden chalets, green pastures, forested slopes, and a snow-capped mountain under a blue sky scattered with clouds.

And then, a final reward, one more incredible view of the Matterhorn.

A majestic, snow-capped mountain peak rising behind a green, forested hillside with a clear blue sky above.

Finally, pasted the gondola station where my ascent began.

Alpine village with chalet-style buildings, surrounded by forest, with a large metal structure in the foreground and snow-capped mountains in the background.

Today has been amazing. Zermatt is an incredible place. It’s certainly one of the most scenic places I’ve ever traveled to.

Tomorrow I depart to St. Moritz on the Glacier Express! If this train is even a fraction of its reputation, I think it will be incredible.
