I’m jumping on the defaults bandwagon! Maybe as the last person?

🕸️ Website: Micro.blog and Squarespace
📨 Mail Client: Fastmail (app and web)
📮 Mail Server: Fastmail
📝 Notes: Obsidian, Apple Notes, Drafts (so many apps, but they have different use cases)
✅ To-Do: Todoist, Obsidian
📷 iPhone Photo Shooting: Camera.app
🟦 Photo Management: Apple Photos (rarely, Lightroom)
📆 Calendar: Google Calendar, Fastmail Calendar
📁 Cloud File Storage: iCloud, Google Drive
📖 RSS: Feedbin + ReadKit (I talk about this on my about page!)
🙍🏻‍♂️ Contacts: Gmail, Apple Contacts, Fastmail
🌐 Browser: Arc, Safari, Chrome (just at work)
💬 Chat: iMessage, Telegram, WhatsApp (rarely)
🔖 Bookmarks: I don’t really save bookmarks any more
📑 Read It Later: Omnivore, Matter (previously), Drafts (occasionally)
📜 Word Processing: Google Docs
📈 Spreadsheets: Google Sheets
📊 Presentations: Google Slides
🛒 Shopping Lists: Apple Notes
🍴 Meal Planning: Mela (love this app!)
💰 Budgeting and Personal Finance: Google Sheets
📰 News: I tend to use RSS feeds/Mastodon, NYTimes app (occasionally), Apple News (occassionally)
🎵 Music: Apple Music, Spotify
🎤 Podcasts: Overcast
🔐 Password Management: 1Password
👨‍💻 Code Editor: IntelliJ (at work), VSCode (with VIM bindings!)
🐘 Mastodon: Ivory
